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The teaching of RE aligns with the recommendations outlined in the Merton Agreed Syllabus (2016) established by the Merton Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE). SACRE holds a statutory responsibility to advise the local authority on the provision of religious education in accordance with an agreed syllabus, as well as to facilitate the effective delivery of collective worship. 

Through careful and considered planning, we:

  • Make the material relevant
  • Involve pupils in the learning
  • Introduce the real face of religion in the form of visits and visitors
  • Plan dialogical RE by introducing discussion points through debates
  • Use different resources such as art, videos, artefacts


At Liberty Primary school, the RE curriculum enables the children not only to learn about religion (AT1) but also to learn through religion (AT2). This involves exploring our own spirituality, reflecting on feelings, and exploring personal responses to the lesson. Children are provided with a safe space to explore their own religious ways of seeing and believing, and there are numerous opportunities for every child to flourish.

Through our RE curriculum, we aim to help children realise the importance of belonging to a family and to groups within the wider community. Consequently, children will realise that belonging means caring for and showing respect for each other, but also taking on responsibility for those less fortunate than themselves. Children will be able to reflect on, express, analyse and evaluate beliefs, values and practices and be able to communicate their own personal responses.

How parents can help

We ask for parents to encourage their children to respect the beliefs and teachings from religions that differ from their own. Our aim is to educate and inform children of the different religions within our community, not to ask children to follow these religions.

While parents have a statutory entitlement to withdraw their children from Religious Education (RE) and assemblies, we advocate for open communication and dialogue regarding any concerns that may arise. We firmly believe in the inherent benefits of RE as an integral component of a broad, balanced, and inclusive curriculum. Therefore, we require parents considering such a decision to engage in conversation with the school, allowing us the opportunity to address any apprehensions and provide clarity before reaching a conclusion. 

The SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) syllabus for Y1-6 is attached below, as is the curriculum road map. 

Mrs McColgan is the Subject Leader for RE. 

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